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Welcome To Cricket Association Of Nepal - CAN - Madhesh Provice

Welcome Cricket Association Of Nepal - Madhesh Province

As per the Constitution of Nepal 2072, the Nepal Cricket Association has established provincial cricket associations in all 7 provinces. Regular cricket activities are being conducted in the Madhesh province in accordance with its formation. Madhesh Province stands out as the primary province in Nepal with consistent cricket activities. Examining the state of cricket in Madhesh province reveals that all 8 districts, which play a significant role in Nepali cricket, boast the best teams at their respective levels.

Message From the President

Sunil Kumar Mahaseth President

As per the Constitution of Nepal 2072, the Nepal Cricket Association has established provincial cricket associations in all 7 provinces. Regular cricket activities are being conducted in the Madhesh province in accordance with its formation. Madhesh Province stands out as the primary province in Nepal with consistent cricket activities. Examining the state of cricket in Madhesh province reveals that all 8 districts, which play a significant role in Nepali cricket, boast the best teams at their respective levels.


With the establishment of the Madhesh Cricket Association, the cricket team associated with it has successfully carved out its identity at the national level, participating in both men’s and women’s national competitions. Furthermore, this association’s team clinched the title at the Chief Minister’s Cup National Tournament held in Dhangadhi in 2076 and also secured victory in the Under 15 National Tournament.


Players from this province continuously contribute to the national team, and in various competitions, cricket events are consistently held across all 8 districts under this province. Currently, half a dozen players from Madhesh province actively participate in the Nepali national team, making significant contributions to the nation. Madhesh is among the provincial districts with the highest cricket supporters. However, despite the province’s historical contribution to cricket development due to continuous cricket competitions, it now lags behind due to the professionalization of the sport. Even though Madhesh province boasts high-quality cricket players, there is a lack of platforms to showcase their abilities.


Cricket grounds are available in all 8 districts under this province, and we have successfully organized provincial-level cricket tournaments on those grounds. Additionally, four district associations have their own national-level grounds, where we have successfully hosted national cricket tournaments.


Recently, we conducted a national-level tournament named Mahendra Narayan Nidhi National Cricket Tournament, where all the provincial cricket teams participated. The tournament is organized in close coordination with the Nepal Cricket Association and supported by the Madhesh Province Government, as well as supported by other local sponsors.

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